Russian tourist, business or private visas are usually issued for a single trip with the dates of entry and exit specified. You may apply for a visa in person or send documents by mail (please enclose a self-addressed envelope or a prepaid air bill). Please present the following documents:

1. A copy of vital pages of a valid passport or other travel document with personal data of the bearer.

2. One completed application form in English or Russian.

3. Three identical color or black & white passport size photos, signed on the back.

4. Visa processing charge payable to the Consulate General in a money order or company check (sums shown below). Charge for a bounced check is $20.00.

5. BUSINESS visas require an official invitation from a Russian host Organization. TOURIST visas require a cover letter from the US travel Agent arranging the tour with dates of entry and exit, places to be Visited in Russia, a Russian travel agency reference number or a copy of The voucher. PRIVATE visas require the original private invitation from Relatives or friends in Russia, registered with local authorities ("izveschenie"). A TRANSIT visa requires the visa to the country Destination and a copy of the ticket. (No Russian transit visa is needed if you have the entry-exit visas of Armenia, Belarus, Kasakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadjikistan and Uzbekistan).

Fees for Visa Service

Fees depend on the number of working days for processing by the Consulate:

7-8 days

5-6 days

3-4 days

Next day





Charge for 2-hour RUSH visa service: $120.00 (or same day return by mail). Double entry/exit visa processing requires additional payment of $20.00 (both dates of entry/exit should be given). Multi-entry visas can be issued only upon authorization of the Foreign Ministry. Charge for multi-entry visa service is $140.00. The extension and correction of visas is $20.00.

For further information, please contact:

The Consulate General of the Russian Federation
2790 Green Street
San Francisco, CA 94123.
Phone: (415) 202-9800 (press "0" for operator)
Visa Section: (415) 929-0862; Passport Section: (415) 775 6327
FAX: (415) 929-0306.